Produkty dla proszek buraczany (50)

Premium Organiczny Proszek Buraczany

Premium Organiczny Proszek Buraczany

"Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) Beetroot Powder Premium Organic from VehGro is a widely appreciated power food. This is because this red coloured powder is full of minerals, vitamins and many more good nutrients. This can contribute to your well-being. Discover it for yourself and order your own Beetroot Powder ah Premium Organic at VehGro today."
Czerwony proszek buraka

Czerwony proszek buraka

Red beetroot powder is a vibrant, nutrient-rich powder made from dehydrated red beetroots. It offers a natural sweetness and deep red color, suitable for smoothies, baked goods, and as a natural food coloring.
Organiczny Proszek Buraczany

Organiczny Proszek Buraczany

Organic Beetroot powder has various colours like pink, purple, orange and reddish-brown, depending on the colour of the beets. The process is quite messy due to beetroots being a strong colourant. Packed with nutrients, beetroot powder is a versatile substance that has many uses in the kitchen and in the cosmetic industry. Easy to make beetroot powder found its place as a natural sweetener, colourant or as a nutritional supplement. ORIGINS:Italy BULK PACKAGING:25 kg bag
Proszek Kurkumowy

Proszek Kurkumowy

Le curcuma est très apprécié en raison des effets antiinflammatoires et antioxydants de ses principaux ingrédients actifs, en particulier ceux de la curcumine. On dit également qu'il réduit considérablement le risque de maladies cérébrales et cardiovasculaires. La poudre de curcuma est parfaite pour affiner non seulement les plats asiatiques et les mélanges d'épices, mais aussi pour colorer les aliments, comme les currys. Il est également souvent utilisé pour pimenter les smoothies, les mueslis et diverses autres boissons. Conditionnement:500g, 1kg et vrac
Proszek truskawkowy - Organiczny/Konwencjonalny

Proszek truskawkowy - Organiczny/Konwencjonalny

Vacuum dried strawberry powder, fragmented or halves. 100% natural without added sugar, colors and preservatives.
Liofilizowany proszek z owocu smoka

Liofilizowany proszek z owocu smoka

Une poudre au violet eclatant, 100% fruit du dragon.
Proszek waniliowy

Proszek waniliowy

Poudre de vanille Bourbon de Madagascar 100% naturelle obtenue à partir des gousses entières, broyées et séchées. Quantité:1kg
Czarny bez

Czarny bez

We sell high-quality frozen elderberry gathered in ecological region of Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. Delivery directly to your warehouse. Packing according to your needs and EU standards. Please contact us to get more information.
Kokos (25 kg)

Kokos (25 kg)

Noix de coco (25 kg) Code produit:2515 Marque de produit :Vesce type de produit :Noix de coco (25 kg) Poids net du produit:25KG
Organiczne Czerwone Owoce - 35g - Napary

Organiczne Czerwone Owoce - 35g - Napary

Présentation : L'infusion Chanvre FRUITS ROUGES offre autant de couleurs que de plaisir à déguster. A consommer à tout moment pour allier détente et plaisir. Petit bonus elle se consomme aussi bien chaude que froide. Composition : Chanvre, pomme, hibiscus, baie de sureau, cynorrhodon, arôme naturel, fraise, feuilles de mûre, cassis, mûre, groseille. Tous les ingrédients sont issus de l'agriculture biologique.
Liofilizowane porzeczki (całe) 25 g - Produkty liofilizowane

Liofilizowane porzeczki (całe) 25 g - Produkty liofilizowane

Freeze-dried red currants have a delicate and fragile texture. The absence of water gives them an ethereal consistency, light and airy, almost weightless. At the same time, the natural shape and size of each fruit are preserved. What color do they have? Natural red with a ruby hue. It's like a cluster of tiny precious stones. How do they smell? The aroma has a delicate sweetness balanced with a light bitterness. What does it taste like? There is a floral, slightly herbal note, with a pleasant refreshing aftertaste. It's an exquisite balance between sweetness and a light tartness. How is it produced? Freeze-drying is an innovative method of drying fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries while preserving their beneficial properties, taste, and aroma. After harvesting red currants, Panfruit's technologists select the best fruits and subject them to low temperatures (freezing). Then the berries are placed in a vacuum chamber to evaporate
Owoce i Warzywa (Pochodzenie: Włochy)

Owoce i Warzywa (Pochodzenie: Włochy)

Für die Herstellung wird Früchte- oder Gemüsepüree in einem dünnen Film auf eine erhitzte Trommel aufgebracht und beginnt sofort zu trocknen. Nach dem Trocknungsprozess wird diese Schicht entweder ganz fein als Pulver oder in Form von Flocken mit einem Messer abgeschabt.
Organiczne Purée Granatowe - Produkt do Cukiernictwa

Organiczne Purée Granatowe - Produkt do Cukiernictwa

Πουρές ρόδι από ρόδια βιολογικής καλλιέργειας σε κατεψυγμένη μορφή. Παράγεται από την απλή μέθοδο συμπίεσης του καρπού ροδιού και προέρχεται από την ψίχα του καρπού (εξωτερική στρώση). Χωρίς προσθήκη συντηρητικών, ζάχαρης, νερού, χρωστικών ή αρωματικών υλών. Χρήσεις σε: ζαχαροπλαστική, γλυκά, σιρόπι, μαρμελάδα, παγωτό κτλ. Συσκευασία: 10kg
Premium Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany - Premium Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany

Premium Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany - Premium Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany

"Rode Bieten Poeder Premium Biologisch Rode bietenpoeder is het poeder van de rode biet, zoveel mag duidelijk zijn. Bietenpoeder is voor veel mensen waarschijnlijk iets onbekends, maar het heeft meer dan genoeg te bieden. Rode bieten: niet iedereen vindt ze lekker. Over smaak valt te twisten. Wat niet te betwisten is, is het feit dat bieten ontzettend gezond zijn. Bietenpoeder is net zo gezond als verse rode biet. Rode bieten zijn, zoals te verwachten valt, neefjes van de suikerbieten, maar dan een stuk lager in calorieën. Rode bietjes zijn een soort wortel. Eens waren ze blank, later kregen ze de rode kleur. Die rode kleur kan vrij lastig zijn, want hij vlekt op kleren, en dat is lastig weg te krijgen. Waarom rode bieten poeder kopen? Bietenpoeder ah heeft belangrijke voedingswaarden. Zo zitten er onder meer talloze mineralen en vitaminen in rode bieten. Denk aan kalium, magnesium, ijzer en fosfor. Daarnaast zitten er in rode bieten talloze vezels, v…"
Podstawowy Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany - Kupić Podstawowy Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany? | Hurt | VehGroshop

Podstawowy Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany - Kupić Podstawowy Ekologiczny Proszek Buraczany? | Hurt | VehGroshop

Beta vulgaris: Rote Bete Pulver Basic BIO von VehGro verleiht Kuchen, Cupcakes, Pfannkuchen, Saucen, Suppen, Dips und anderen Zubereitungen eine schöne rote oder rosa Farbe. Dieses Rübenpulver verleiht einen weichen, süßen Touch, ohne andere Aromen zu dominieren. Rote-Bete-Pulver kann auch als natürlicher Farbstoff in Seife und Make-up verwendet werden.
Liofilizowany proszek Acai organiczny

Liofilizowany proszek Acai organiczny

"Acai: A surprising Amazon fruit Acai is a surprising purple berry that comes from the rainforests of South America - more accurately, the 'Amazon'. Acai is now also available as acai berry powder. It is a superfood that is worthy of its name. Internationally, acai is known as an external anti-aging remedy. Acai is all about antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for bringing free radicals into line. It is these free radicals that do damage to cells and tissue, causing accelerated external aging. Acai contains more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. Why buy acai powder? Acai is a miracle berry and superfood in countless ways. Acai powder is not only very tasty, but also full of healthy substances. The 'forbidden' fruit does not give eternal life, but it is permanently tasty and permanently healthy. Acai is fruit with an exotic twist: fruit that you will not find in most supermarkets. In short: acai is the way to be original and health…"
Organiczny Proszek Pomidorowy

Organiczny Proszek Pomidorowy

"Origin The tomato is a fruit that comes from the tomato plant (solanum lycopersicum). In culinary terms, the tomato is a vegetable. Tomatoes originated in Mesoamerica, where the ancestors of Aztecs and Mayans grew small varieties. In 1750, tomatoes were still yellow fruits, but after several crosses they became red colored. Nutrients Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, carotenes, vitamins B1, B2 and B6. It also contains the minerals potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The tomato is eaten as a vegetable, this can be hot and cold. The good qualities of the tomato are concentrated by drying it and processing it into pieces, granules or powder. These can be added to many dishes. Applications dried tomato powder: As superfood You can add tomato powder to sauces, soups and to healthy (savory) smoothies. The great thing about tomato powder is that it mixes ideally with a range of Mediterranean herbs, such as: basil, garlic, oregano, rosem…"
Organiczny Proszek Buraczany Podstawowy

Organiczny Proszek Buraczany Podstawowy

"A Little History of Red Beetroot The red beetroot, (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. ruba) is a root vegetable of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) in the genus beetroot and is closely related to the sugar beet. The word 'beetroot' is an Old Germanic derivation of the Latin 'beta'. Red beetroot was cultivated by all powerful peoples in ancient times. The Greeks and Egyptians used it mainly for its leaves and it is thought that the ancient Romans finally discovered that the beetroot itself could also be used. The Uses of Red Beets People use the red beetroot (sliced) to pickle it, to make pre-cooked pot vegetables, but also to make Borscht, the popular ingredient in many Eastern European soups. Healthy properties Red beetroot powder Red beetroot powder gives a beautiful red or pink colour to cakes, cupcakes, pancakes, sauces, soups, dips and other preparations. This beetroot powder provides a soft, sweet touch without overpowering other fla…"
Proszek z róży muszkatołowej

Proszek z róży muszkatołowej

Connu depuis des siècles par la médecine naturopathique, l'églantier est une riche source de vitamines (A, B, C), d'acides de fruits, d'huiles, de minéraux, de fibres et d'oligo-éléments. Les cynorrhodons contiennent environ 20 fois plus de vitamine C que le citron, ce qui en fait un excellent complément à nos besoins en vitamines pendant la période froide de l'année. L'ingrédient actif galactolipide est une caractéristique unique de l'églantier. On dit que ses propriétés antiinflammatoires réduisent les symptômes de douleurs articulaires et d'arthrite. Conditionnement:500g, 1000g et vrac
Herbata z kwiatów bzu

Herbata z kwiatów bzu

Benefici: l'aroma di un sambuco ha un effetto rilassante e presumibilmente calma i nervi e i sintomi della depressione. antibatterico. È comunemente usato contro raffreddori, bronchiti, naso che cola, febbre, mal di gola e come emolliente per la voce rauca. In alcuni paesi del nord, si dice che l'estate inizi quando il sambuco fiorisce e finisca quando il frutto matura alla fine di agosto. L'affascinante aroma del sambuco in fiore è tipico del periodo estivo dell'anno.Usi: Più comunemente il fiore di sambuco viene utilizzato per tè e infusi. Mettere in infusione 2-3 cucchiaini di erba essiccata in acqua bollente (250 ml) per circa 10-12 minuti, quindi filtrare l'erba. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso